LewdBot is a multi-purpose discord bot written in Java using the JDA library, currently on ${Guilds} guilds.
The default prefix is @LewdBot
Add LewdBot to your server Donate on PatreonLewdBot currently has less features than before due to a recent rewrite, although, features are being constantly re/added. Below is a list with all the currently available features.
If you encounter any issues or questions with LewdBot, please follow these setps:
Hi, I'm Fabricio20#5913, a Java developer from South Brazil who loves anime and tea. (Twitter)
Modules are groups of code that divide LewdBot by functionality, currently there are 4 modules available, all of which can be enabled or disabled using the `module` command.
List of currently available commands
Module | Name(s) | Description |
Music | connect, join | Joins a voice channel |
Music | add | Adds a song to the playlist |
Music | play, skip, next | Starts playing your playlist |
Music | disconnect, quit, leave, stop | Disconnects from the current voice channel |
Music | list | Lists the current music queue |
Music | shuffle, mix | Shuffles the playlist |
Music | setmusic | Sets the music chat |
Music | remove | Removes a song from the playlist |
Music | mclear, clear | Clears the playlist |
Music | volume | Changes the output volume of LewdBot |
Music | nowplaying, np | Checks what is currently playing |
Music | pause, unpause | Pauses/Resumes the playback |
Music | lm, im, music | All the music related commands inside one |
NSFW | r34, rule34 | Sends an NSFW pic from R34 |
NSFW | hentai, danbooru | Grabs hentai from Danbooru |
NSFW | iateacrayon, iac | Searches for R34 and the sort on IAteACrayon's collection. |
Fun | flip, coin | Flips a coin |
Fun | roll, droll | Dice rolling |
Fun | define | Defines something (from UrbanDictionary) |
Fun | calc | Calculates an expression |
Fun | chat, c | ChatterBot |
LewdBot | cthrow, storecookie, jarcookie, dropcookie, throwcookie | Throws coins |
LewdBot | cgrab, cookiegrab, stealjar | Steals the cookie jar |
Fun | scramble | Try to guess the word |
LewdBot | modules, module | Manages modules for this server |
LewdBot | man, manual | LewdBot Manual |
LewdBot | status | LewdBot Status |
LewdBot | ignore | Manages ignored text channels |
LewdBot | setup | Quick start-up setup |
LewdBot | help, commands, cmds | Shows help |
LewdBot | prefix | Changes the prefix. |
LewdBot | shard, shart | Shard information and managing |
LewdBot | lang, language | Language Changer |
LewdBot | admin, admins | Manages LewdBot admins |
LewdBot | invite | Gets an invite link for LewdBot |
LewdBot | permissions, perms | Manages per-role permissions |
LewdBot | bug | Got a bug to report? Use this |
LewdBot | profile | Show's a user profile |
LewdBot | country, setcountry | Changes your country |
LewdBot | opts, settings | LewdBot configuration (guild) |
LewdBot | badge | Badge Crafting for LewdBot |
LewdBot | shop, store | Shop for Lewd-things! |
LewdBot | inv, inventory | Manage your LewdBot inventory |
LewdBot | cfg, config | Configures your LewdBot account |
LewdBot | cookie, lewdcookie, cookies, lewdcookies, credits | Check and receive your daily cookies! |
LewdBot | vip, premium | Manages premium content |
LewdBot | top, leaderboard | LewdBot Leaderboard |
LewdBot | slot | A slot machine! |
Moderation | kick | Kicks a user (or more) from the server. |
Moderation | ban | Bans a user (or more) from the server. |
LewdBot | hackban, hakban | Bans users from an id list |
Moderation | prune | Prunes the chat history |
Moderation | lock, unlock | Locks/Unlocks a channel |
Moderation | logs, logsetup | Starts the setup for the logging system. |
Moderation | register, autoregister | A setup to configure auto registration |
Moderation | color | Sets a role's color using hex |
Moderation | welcome, greeting | Welcome message utility |
Moderation | slowmode | Twitch-like slowmode for Discord |
Moderation | slowoff | Twitch-like slowmode for Discord (Disable) |
Moderation | ads, advertising | Manages LewdBot's reaction with advertising |
Moderation | softban, sban | Bans and Unbans a User (Kick w/ message delete) |
LewdBot | giveme, giverole, getrole | Allows users to get roles (gives roles to users) |