LewdBot Banner

This is LewdBot

PREFIX IS L! or @LewdBot


LewdBot is a multi-purpose discord bot written in Java using the JDA library, currently on ${Guilds} guilds.

The default prefix is @LewdBot

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LewdBot currently has less features than before due to a recent rewrite, although, features are being constantly re/added. Below is a list with all the currently available features.


If you encounter any issues or questions with LewdBot, please follow these setps:

  1. Refer to the FAQ (To check if your question wasn't already answered)
  2. Refer to GitHub (If it's a bug, please open an issue there)
  3. Join LewdBot's guild and ask for support
  4. DM Fabricio20#5913 (Only if you didn't get any answer from the previous steps) [I only accept FR from people who are on at least one server I'm in]


Hi, I'm Fabricio20#5913, a Java developer from South Brazil who loves anime and tea. (Twitter)


Modules are groups of code that divide LewdBot by functionality, currently there are 4 modules available, all of which can be enabled or disabled using the `module` command.

A module that adds Moderation-related functionality, like auto registration, banning (DiscordBans) and hex coloring of roles.
A module that adds music to LewdBot, allowing you to listen to music via discord while doing anything else!
A module that adds NSFW functionality to LewdBot (R18).

A module that adds a variety of fun commands, like dice rolling and coin flipping.

List of Commands

List of currently available commands

Module Name(s) Description
Music connect, join Joins a voice channel
Music add Adds a song to the playlist
Music play, skip, next Starts playing your playlist
Music disconnect, quit, leave, stop Disconnects from the current voice channel
Music list Lists the current music queue
Music shuffle, mix Shuffles the playlist
Music setmusic Sets the music chat
Music remove Removes a song from the playlist
Music mclear, clear Clears the playlist
Music volume Changes the output volume of LewdBot
Music nowplaying, np Checks what is currently playing
Music pause, unpause Pauses/Resumes the playback
Music lm, im, music All the music related commands inside one
NSFW r34, rule34 Sends an NSFW pic from R34
NSFW hentai, danbooru Grabs hentai from Danbooru
NSFW iateacrayon, iac Searches for R34 and the sort on IAteACrayon's collection.
Fun flip, coin Flips a coin
Fun roll, droll Dice rolling
Fun define Defines something (from UrbanDictionary)
Fun calc Calculates an expression
Fun chat, c ChatterBot
LewdBot cthrow, storecookie, jarcookie, dropcookie, throwcookie Throws coins
LewdBot cgrab, cookiegrab, stealjar Steals the cookie jar
Fun scramble Try to guess the word
LewdBot modules, module Manages modules for this server
LewdBot man, manual LewdBot Manual
LewdBot status LewdBot Status
LewdBot ignore Manages ignored text channels
LewdBot setup Quick start-up setup
LewdBot help, commands, cmds Shows help
LewdBot prefix Changes the prefix.
LewdBot shard, shart Shard information and managing
LewdBot lang, language Language Changer
LewdBot admin, admins Manages LewdBot admins
LewdBot invite Gets an invite link for LewdBot
LewdBot permissions, perms Manages per-role permissions
LewdBot bug Got a bug to report? Use this
LewdBot profile Show's a user profile
LewdBot country, setcountry Changes your country
LewdBot opts, settings LewdBot configuration (guild)
LewdBot badge Badge Crafting for LewdBot
LewdBot shop, store Shop for Lewd-things!
LewdBot inv, inventory Manage your LewdBot inventory
LewdBot cfg, config Configures your LewdBot account
LewdBot cookie, lewdcookie, cookies, lewdcookies, credits Check and receive your daily cookies!
LewdBot vip, premium Manages premium content
LewdBot top, leaderboard LewdBot Leaderboard
LewdBot slot A slot machine!
Moderation kick Kicks a user (or more) from the server.
Moderation ban Bans a user (or more) from the server.
LewdBot hackban, hakban Bans users from an id list
Moderation prune Prunes the chat history
Moderation lock, unlock Locks/Unlocks a channel
Moderation logs, logsetup Starts the setup for the logging system.
Moderation register, autoregister A setup to configure auto registration
Moderation color Sets a role's color using hex
Moderation welcome, greeting Welcome message utility
Moderation slowmode Twitch-like slowmode for Discord
Moderation slowoff Twitch-like slowmode for Discord (Disable)
Moderation ads, advertising Manages LewdBot's reaction with advertising
Moderation softban, sban Bans and Unbans a User (Kick w/ message delete)
LewdBot giveme, giverole, getrole Allows users to get roles (gives roles to users)